Financial guidance and mentoring is an important part of CEO coaching

Having led three different companies through significant growth, turnaround, and restructuring, our experience in the top role positions us to step into a troubled business and quickly take stock of what needs to be addressed to maximize liquidity and improve profitability. The key to any financial challenge is to get ahead of it quickly. Hoping rarely fixes the issues. Getting help early and implementing changes is the road to a quick and vibrant recovery.

Over the years, SPC Consulting has dealt with a wide array of economic challenges.

  • We can help you make the tough decisions to immediately improve the financials.
  • Establish a review process to keep them on track.
  • We will show you how to speak the banker’s language: the big three, borrowing formulas, budgets, and projections. When you can show your competence in your business financials you gain trust and breathing room


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